
Direction - Connection - Rewilding

Nature based spiritual support for healing and resilience.

The Antlered path is the one that reconnects you to the wilder aspects of your being and Nature.  You are of the wild - the beating heart of the woods, the vast, shifting ocean and the inner sanctum of the most peaceful cave.  When you feel disconnected from your self, your source, you are also distanced from Nature.  Whatever you need, you will find it within and through nature based spiritual practice.


Helping you find your peace and innate wild wisdom are at the core of my services that make up the Antlered Path.  I truly believe that working mindfully in harmony with Nature and the shifting seasons restores and maintains wellbeing for body, mind and soul.  Using Nature connecting, spiritually uplifting skills, I support you in your healing and resilience.

Hilary cloak stang


I am here for you along the Antlered Path, a mentor, educator & priestess  


I am an intuitive and empath, with counselling and coaching skills. I consider myself eclectic when it comes to my spirituality and follow a mostly Celtic based spiritual path.  I teach  meditation (from beginners to more advanced levels).   I have been working with Tarot, runes and other oracles for over 30 years.


I am a Resilience Practitioner and trained with Dr Chris Johnstone, co-author of Active Hope. I strongly believe that cultivating resilience in daily life is almost essential in terms of navigating current challenges and upheaval.  My resilience work is linked to my nature based focus, so all resilience coaching will have Nature connected tasks to assist with grounding, relaxing and restoring balance within you.


I am a Priestess of Elen of the Ways (ancient antlered Goddess linked to the  wild woods and trackways of Brythonic lands).  I offer a year long Wild Wheel of Elen course for women that can be joined at any sabbat.  See the information under Courses to find out more.


I also offer Shamanic based healing specifically using rituals and journeying to assist people with improving their wellbeing.


I am accessible to complete beginners and more experienced and offer a very person centred approach.

Bespoke Guided Journeys

& meditations for healing

Oracle Consultations


Courses & Online Sessions

Creative, Nature connected and spiritually enlivening. This is what I share with you as you learn and grow along the Antlered Path.

Short and longer courses available. Please check in regularly and follow my updates on social media as a new programme emerges.


Wise Woman Mentoring

After many years of navigating Old Ways' practices, (Nature guided, Shamanic oriented and Deer Witchery), I have decided to offer mentoring sessions to support individual's spiritual practices.

I have studied different traditions but ultimately my Nature Wisdom is from walking wild spaces, creating rituals, journeying extensively and working with people in deeply challenging circumstances.  I work with folk and Celtic inspired archetypes and weave these into meditations and rituals.

Story telling and creative pathworking can be very profoundly healing and so I find that it is useful for people to have certain archetypes and allies to work with (each path is so unique and the connections are very sacred).

The options I offer at present are:

One to one mentoring sessions online:

A minimum of three sessions to delve into a topic or issue using different approaches: Oracular, Meditative, Journeying and Witch Walking.  (Contact me for more details).


Ongoing mentoring through the Wheel of the Year meeting once each 6 weeks and creating a plan or practice for each 6 weeks linked to what your needs are and what the Season is presenting.  An initial consultation is booked at the start to look at the journey ahead and set certain goals or intentions. (It can be as structured or as flexible as you choose).  I then provide prompts and other support through the 6 weeks to help you keep your practice flowing. (Contact me for more details).



Moon Magic for Resilience

Manifest, strengthen and release that which you need to in harmony with the moon's phases by creating a healthy resilience practice.

This new, unique course is aligned to the moon's monthly cycle, with the beginning linked to the New Moon and the end linked to the Dark Moon.

There are three main parts with tips and suggestions for the main moon phases.

Part 1 - New Moon, this links you to the energy of your potentiality in the month ahead. With ritual, journeying and practices to expand your confidence in manifesting with the moon.

Part 2 - Full Moon, this supports you in being flexible and resilient with your goals and your expectations.  With ritual, journeying and practices to support your wellbeing and self worth.

Part 3 - Dark Moon, this guides you to adjust, review and release that which is not working (such as - blocks to manifesting, limiting beliefs, attachments and stress).  With ritual, journeying and practices to enable growth.

Work at your own pace through the month and practice resilience based skills which I have linked to the specific energies of the moon phases.

There will be PDF documents packed full of guidance, inspiration and activities.  As well as guided journeys on MP3s

I am a Resilience Practitioner and Wise Woman with many years experience of creating deep healing and enlivening rituals with the moon.

The cost is £45 and you will be able to undertake the course at any time of the year, online.  You can choose which New Moon to start the journey with.

If you would like more information please do contact me.



Antlered Path Podcast

Online Meditations

I am now offering live, (online) creative and guided Nature meditations on alternate Sunday afternoons. 

Each session has a theme or focus, for example: Autumn Deer Magic, The Grail Hermit, Flow, Spirit Allies.  I share and explore on the theme, so I use researched materials and also my own insights and a poem or blessing too.  There is always a link to Celtic or Northern Spirituality and the seasonal energies.  I provide a guided pathworking meditation for you to delve deeper into the topic and to receive your own healing or sacred connections.

The session is usually an hour and you can book via my Ticketsource page, the link for which is here

I will be updating this section soon with details and dates of forthcoming sessions.  In the meantime do follow me on Instagram or Facebook.

Please email me for further information, mail@antleredpath.com


Resilience Coaching

Resilient image

What is Resilience?

Resilience skills

“Resilience is accepting your new reality, even if it’s less good than the one you had before. You can fight it, you can do nothing but scream about what you’ve lost, or you can accept that and try to put together something that’s good.” – Elizabeth Edwards

Instinctively we use a number of resilience skills in our daily lives.  For example being able to manage our feelings and impulses in a healthy manner, without endangering ourselves. However when we become overwhelmed, exhausted, experience depression or just feel the world is too stressful, symptoms such as: irritability, insomnia, feelings of isolation and clinginess, over reaction to regular stresses and persistent ill health can become more frequently experienced.  

Resilience is about recovering from or bouncing back from setbacks. In essence it can be part of your spiritual practice and development too.

It can be so valuable to use specific skills to cultivate and sustain Resilience and maintain wellbeing.  There are five key areas that are often addressed in sessions (as well as others).  These are - self awareness, mindfulness, self care, positive relationships & purpose.   Within these five areas, there are a number of skills that can be practiced to ensure that for the most part, you are following a resilient path, not a toxic one.

“Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.” – Helen Keller

Resilience & spiritual mentoring sessions

As a Nature focused practitioner, I link clients to Nature based activity when guiding resilience and spiritual practices.  Whether it is Nature based mindfulness, walking with focus and attention to small details around you or creating a healing and sacred ritual in Nature to improve harmony within you.

Using deep listening skills, compassionate prompts and suggestions, we work together to ensure your wellbeing is the priority.  Whether it is your mental, emotional, physical or spiritual well being or all of these.  

You may need help dealing with a specific situation or some deeper holistic support for your life in general, we create an agreed time frame to work together safely and confidentially to strengthen your resilience.

An initial session will determine the depth and time you wish or need to spend on practising your resilience or developing a spiritual practice.  

Cost - My sessions are £35 for an hour session via Zoom or phone call.  I offer a reduction on a block booking of 4 sessions for £125, paid and booked in advance. These can be weekly or more spaced apart.

Or you can opt for an email and MP3 approach for support, to reduce the cost.  Please enquire for more information on this.

Resilient strength

Get In Touch

For further information about any of my services, please do email me - mail@antleredpath.com

You can also reach out to me on my Social Media platforms, see below for links.

You can find certain products and support my work also on Kofi here.

Listen to the Antlered Path Podcast here.

Dear Hilary, 
Thank you very much for your consultation.
It was very helpful on so many levels, and it also confirmed things I already felt inside. 
I hope my path will open soon and will let you know if a transformation will happen.
I'm very grateful to know you and waiting to learn, absorb and meet again on the deer trods.
Many blessings,
Nina X

Hello Hilary

Thank you very much for my reading and guided meditation. It is very insightful and accurate for me at this time and I will surely connect with my wonderful allies. Looking forward to the journey!
Blessed Be
Andrea x

I keep the reading you did for me on my desk and review it often. Thank you again and can't wait for the next podcast!

Blessings, Joe